
You only get one shot at this thing called life

let’s make the most of it!

And that doesn’t mean “living for the weekends” only to have the Monday Blues week after week. Rather than living to work… let’s work to LIVE!

Life’s too short, and you’re too unique, to spend your days doing something you don’t enjoy in an environment that doesn’t empower you to grow and thrive.

And what’s standing in your way? The ability to identify your strengths and align your values so you make a plan, set it in motion, and begin a purpose-driven career that brings an untethered joy to each and every day.

Think I’m crazy? Well, I’m living proof.

After years of exploration and trying different industries and roles, discovering how to put my own strengths into action and be at my best, I got clear on my WHY, and mission, I found my calling or maybe it found me!

Now, I’ve spent 25+ years celebrating and harnessing the unique quirks, skills, and passions of professionals ready to leave the humdrum J-O-B behind for a position that feels authentically aligned with who they are.

My purpose is to help you find yours—so what are we waiting for?

5 Fast + Fun Facts About Me…

I love an adventure, a reason to dance and explore—bring me to all the concerts, and a new city or restaurant to discover!


I believe great things are born from chaos—stars, planets, new careers, and business growth. It all starts with a little mayhem!



You can *almost* always find fresh flowers in my home. Peonies are the way to my heart

Few things are more powerful than starting your day with a morning walk on the beach. Or ending with the sunset.


Shouting from the rooftops for fellow entrepreneurs? YOU BET, loud and proud every dang day!


Change Starts With You

Take the first step and schedule your free discovery call to learn if I’m the right person to help chart your path.