Team Building

Business Coaching and Consulting

 Unlock Your Organization's Potential

Welcome to DBK Coaching, where we specialize in empowering leaders and organizations to reach new heights. With our professional, experienced, and intuitive approach, we provide comprehensive coaching and consulting services that will transform your company's culture, enhance teamwork, and drive success.

Let us guide you on a transformative journey towards increased confidence, trust, and belief in your leadership, organization, and team members.

What happens when you work with us:

Increased Confidence, Trust, and Belief: From onboarding to the Board of Directors, we instill unwavering confidence, trust, and belief in your leadership, organization, and team members. Build a foundation of trust that paves the way for exceptional growth.

Improved Efficiency: We help you streamline processes and optimize workflows, ensuring maximum efficiency across your organization. Say goodbye to unnecessary bottlenecks and hello to streamlined operations.

Increased Engagement, Productivity, and Revenue: Our expertise in engagement strategies leads to higher levels of team involvement, ultimately resulting in increased productivity and revenue opportunities for your business. Harness the full potential of your team's capabilities.

Lower Turnover: Retaining top talent is essential for long-term success. Our coaching and consulting services provide the support needed to reduce turnover rates and create a workplace that fosters loyalty and commitment. We’ll help you create an environment where employees feel valued, supported and motivated to stay and grow with your organization.

Recognition as a Standout: Stand out from the crowd and become known as a great place to work. Our guidance helps you create a thriving culture that attracts clients and earns admiration from peers in your industry. By investing in our coaching services, you’ll establish a reputation for excellence and attract top talent to your team.

Lower Team Conflict, Confusion, and Frustration: Eliminate team conflict, confusion, and frustration by fostering open communication, trust, and collaboration. Our coaching approach addresses these issues head-on, creating a harmonious work environment.

Focus on What Matters: Remove the noise and distractions that hinder progress. Our coaching services help you regain focus on what truly matters and aligns with your company's purpose, allowing you to make significant strides towards your goals.

Our Approach:

During our coaching sessions, we utilize various tools and methodologies to maximize your potential.

With our coaching, you'll gain access to our Strengthfinder assessment, values iteration, and we will create a brand statement that aligns with your strengths and values.

At DBK Coaching, we cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup, a mid-sized company, or a corporate giant, our coaching and consulting services are tailored to meet your unique needs.

Our Process:

Discover: We assess your current culture, evaluate existing practices, systems, and policies, and identify opportunities for improvement. We delve into talent acquisition, DEI&B initiatives, HRIS, benefits, and other foundational systems to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement.

Define: Together, we define your desired future state and compare it to the current analysis. We recommend changes, outline opportunities, and develop a detailed plan to achieve your goals. We focus on foundational HR/People work, engaging strategic initiatives, and creating an inspirational culture.

Identify: We identify the obstacles standing in the way of your success. Through listening sessions, leadership training, and individual coaching, we address cultural misalignment, communication issues, leadership gaps, and technology needs. Our goal is to empower your employees, fostering a culture of ownership and collaboration.

Investing in the Future of Your Organization:

Our coaching engagement requires a minimum commitment of six months. You can choose between weekly or bi-weekly sessions. Our meetings are one hour long, conducted at your convenience.

Engagements are tailored to your needs and desired outcomes. Depending on scenario, situation, goals and desired frequency we will determine the best approach for your needs.

We start with a discovery call to ensure a match on both sides and then agree upon next steps and get started!

6-Month Coaching Engagements:

Weekly: $7,800

Bi-Weekly: $3,900

Are You Facing Any of These Problems?

Lack of Clarity, Purpose, Vision, and Confidence: If you're struggling to communicate and enroll your team in your big vision, we're here to help. We bring your vision to life in practical terms, ensuring alignment and understanding throughout your organization.

Fragmented Team and Lack of Collaboration: Is your team struggling to collaborate effectively? We'll work with you to foster a sense of unity and purpose, enabling your team to move strongly towards your big vision.

Disengaged Team: Unleash the full potential of your team by reinvigorating their engagement. Our coaching and consulting services revitalize team spirit, reignite passion, commitment and create a sense of belonging.

High Turnover: Break the cycle of high turnover rates that drain your resources, and disrupt productivity with our comprehensive approach. We identify underlying issues, implement solutions, and create an environment that retains your most valuable assets.

Inability to Focus on Strategic Cultural Work: Tired of constantly fixing problems without making progress on strategic cultural work? Our coaching approach prioritizes strategic initiatives, allowing you to invest time and resources where they matter most.

Legal and Employee Relations Issues: Safeguard your business and empower your team members with our comprehensive HR policies and practices. We will ensure legal compliance while fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.

Recruitment and Retention Challenges: Attracting and retaining top talent and fostering diversity can be challenging. We assist you in overcoming recruitment and retention hurdles, creating a workplace that appeals to the best and brightest. Our expertise in talent acquisition, retention, and diversity and inclusion will help you build a diverse, engaged, and inclusive workforce.

Our Expertise:

With over 20 years of experience in C-suite leadership within the Human Capabilities/HR and Culture space, we have the expertise to guide you to success. Our certified coaches bring a wealth of knowledge in change management, psychometric testing, employee relations, mediation, negotiation, and leadership development. We have successfully led GPTW efforts for Fortune 500 and other prestigious recognition lists, demonstrating our commitment to creating exceptional workplace cultures.

Take the first step towards unlocking your organization's potential with DBK Coaching & Consulting. Together, we'll transform your organization, empower your team, and drive unprecedented success.

Book your coaching sessions now and embark on the journey to create a culture that inspires, engages and drives exceptional results.

Instagram: @dbk_coaching


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